Monday, August 24, 2009

The Beginning - It's a Start!!!

Ok, today is the new start to my weight loss. I CAN do this. I'm ready to get back on track and get my booty in gear! I'm going to the grocery store tonight and will be getting lots of good healthy fruits/veggies etc. I'm making my meal plan today and I will do this!!! Back in 2006 when I was losing weight and doing awesome I was using TrimSpa. You know that one that Anna Nicole Smith took. Anyway, it did help me. I've been bummed ever since they went bankrupt and haven't found anything I've liked since. So I went to GNC on Saturday and bought AcaiSlim. I've been reading stuff about the Acai berry so we'll see. I want something to curb my appetite and this is supposed to help so we'll see. The lady was also saying there is chromimum in this one that should help with the sugar cravings so we'll see. I'm just tired of being in the 170's. I've showed I can maintain. Now i want to LOSE!!!! Oh yeah and I bought a new scale. I wasn't liking my old one so NEW scale it is! =) So I'm starting fresh. WOO HOO!!!

Beginning Weight: 175.8

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