I did not hit 50 lbs lost this week. I did if you count my WI on Saturday that was not official. Oh well. I am not going to complain about a 1.9 lb loss! I need to lose 1.4 this week to hit 50 lbs! I am determined to hit that!! We are going camping this weekend so I need to save up my flex points for that. We do a potluck on Saturday. Everybody brings their own main dish and supplies a side dish for about 15 people. We did it last camping trip and it worked out really good!
I did not get as much done this weekend as I had hoped. Oh well. Dh and I got in a big fight on Saturday. Over what you ask? Shoes. And not shoes for me but shoes for Connor. The shoes I bought are really hard to get on him. Length wise they fit him but they are really hard to stretch and stuff his foot in. So he got mad at me for buying shoes that don't fit. UGH!! What an ass. Anyway, so that ruined my Saturday. This weekend I don't have time to do anything around the house since we are camping so that leaves the following weekend and week before Connor's b-day to get everything done (and the house cleaned!). I'm glad I took the whole week off now! I can do little things throughout the week in the evening so we'll see. :sigh: I just feel like I have so much to do and so little time. UGH!!