Yes, I gained weight since last week but that was to be expected. I was sick last week and most likely dehydrated so that didn't help. Plus I wasn't drinking water. Bad Heather!!! So anyway, I am back with things today. I exercised last night in the freezing cold but I did it!! I wogged. Felt really good too. I got an iPod and a heart rate monitor for Christmas so I am definitely getting to use them! I need to! That's why I got them, right? I am planning on doing a 5K race March 18th. It's at Knott's Berry Farm which is right around the corner from my house so I'm excited about that. But it's only 2 months away! YIKES! I better get on the ball! Really!
We are going camping this weekend. Should be interesting. We are going with a new group of people. We've gone camping with the one couple a long time ago but we don't know anyone else. Hopefully it works out ok. I love to camp I just hate the work involved in getting everything ready and then coordinating with the other people that are going. :sigh: Oh well. Anyway, hopefully I can be better at updating this now.