Monday, August 01, 2011

Monday WI

Well, Mandie from Fighting the Fat pushed me last week to get going and I did!! Thank you Mandie!! We have been texting each other and keeping each other accountable. And her enthusiam and never quit attitude is really helping me out!! And guess what? It showed:

WI: 186.0

That's a 4.2 lb loss!!!! And I wasn't horrible. Granted we stopped eating out last week! Yeah! So that shows too. But I was 100% spot on with my food for the last 4 days. Yippee!!! I am going to keep going. No stopping me now!! And this will definitely help me since we are going to Oktoberfest in October in Big Bear and I wanted to be 20 lbs down. Yeah!!!

Now to get more exercise in. . . one step at time though right! ;)


Annalisa@Gracie'sGarden said...

Woohoo!!! I am so excited for us all. This is IT! So happy for your loss, congratulations!

KaleeSorey said...

Congrats!! :) 4.2lbs is awesome in a week! Are you planning on working out at home with the kids or going to the gym?