Monday, February 08, 2010

First 5K of the Year

So I ran my first (and last???) 5K of the year. Ok, it may not be my last but it's just so annoying that I feel like I can't go and can't train because I need to take care of the kids. But that's a whole 'nother post in and of itself.

So the night before SUCKED. Taylor woke up and ended up sleeping with us in bed and Emily woke up like 3 times. Ugh. So I hardly got ANY sleep at all. Alarm went off and I so did not want to go. After about 30 mins I forced myself to get up, got dressed (didn't bother with a shower since I took one the night before) and headed out the door in like 10 mins. Got to Huntington Beach and parked almost in the same spot I parked at last time. I was about 3 blocks from the start line. =) Gotta love that. But it was 52 degrees and I was freezing. I learned my lesson the year before and since it was only 5:30 when I got there (the start time of the race was 6:50am) I sat in my car for almost an hour. It was kinda nice until I started dozing towards the end. Woops!

I went to the start line, then found the restrooms and bascially only had to wait about 40 mins until I started running the race. Considering I haven't ran since my last 5K in August of last year (YIKES that was what almost 6 months ago!) I think I did pretty good! I finshed at 38:59! Under 40 mins. Yeah!!!! My personal best record is 38:20 at my last race. Just think if I had actually trained. I would LOVE to do 10 min miles but not sure if I will accomplish that anytime soon. Once the kids get older I'm sure I can train better. Having a 4 year old and 2 2 year olds is HARD! So anyway, I'm actually very happy with my time. Until the next one!

Overall: 1541 out of 2494

Women: 911 out of 1636
F 30-34: 166 out of 266
Age/Grade: 38.15% Place: 1648
Finish: 38:59 Pace: 12:33
Tag Time: 38:59
Gun Time: 50:20


Kyle said...

So cool that you ran it despite all your roadblocks... congratulations!

Mandie said...

Congrat's again Heather! And you're right, that medal is KICKING!! You know I'm proud of you for going and doing would have been VERY easy to say...nah. YOU ROCK!!!!

MommyofSweetpea said...

So proud of you! I don't think I could ever survive that long of a walk...good for you!