Friday, October 23, 2009

I guess I should update . . .

It's been a trying week for me and I'm not really sure why?? It's been VERY difficult for me to stay OP these last two days. But I have. Today is REALLY going to be a struggle since I can't eat dinner basically. We had a funeral to go to for a co-worker. Well, retired co-worker. There was a lot of people there. Standing room only! On the way back the four of us that car pooled stopped at Farmer Boys for lunch. I could have been better, I could have been MUCH worse. I split an order of fries with a coworker. AND I only ate 1/2 my sandwich. I actually took less than 1/2 the fries even. =) And by the time I was done eating my 1/2 of the sandwich I was FULL!! =D And I stopped. Yeah me!!

As part of the GAG challenge this week, we are supposed to "think outside the box" in terms of exercise. Uh huh. Well if I could even think in the box and find time to exercise I would. So I'm a total DUD with that challenge. I will have NOTHING. Oh well. I'm hoping to make it up in the two truths and a lie challenge. =) Which by the way is FUNNY!!  I can't wait until we find out what the lies are!

I'm not too hopeful on the weight loss front. Although I hopped on the scale this morning (BAD HEATHER!) and was down 2 lbs! Why wouldn't that spur me to greatness??? Good question.


Anonymous said...

Heather, you just cracked me up. I, personally, am an exercise HATER. HATER! My life would be greatly improved by some in-the-box thinking as well.

Keep in mind Christine and I have some extra points to award in a discretionary fashion for those attempts (with excellent documentation of course! ha ha) we feel are pointsworthy anyway . . .

Good luck!

Christine Jeske said...

Yay for splitting the sandwich and fries. I have this problem with not being able to stop at the half unless I make someone else eat it fast. I have gotten better at dining out though. I am loving the Two Truths and a Lie game too. ♥