Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Look Back

I was just trying to figure out what my lowest weight was (before I got pregnant with the twins) and decided it would be kinda cool to look back and see where I've been. I started this journey in 2004. That was the year I fondly refer to as my going places year. I went to Hawaii, Cancun & Buffalo (yeah not as exciting but family is there!). We had also planned a cruise that year with friends but that fell through and we never ended up going. Oh well. It was still motivation at the time to lose weight! I keep a record in my calendar of my weekly WIs. And I keep my calendars so I have them all! There were times when I didn't keep track of my weight (like when I was pregnant) but there were reasons. So let's look back:

Beginning of 2004: 202.0
End of 2004: 184.2
Last Weight of 2005 before I found out I was pregnant: 179.3
Beginning of 2006 (first weigh in after giving birth in November): 210.6
Highest weight of 2006: 213.6
End of 2006: 164.6
LOWEST Weight recorded - January 2007: 160.3
Last Weight of 2007 before I found out I was pregnant: 166.0
Weight before giving birth to twins: 207.0
Weight after giving birth to twins: 187.7
End of 2007: 179.4
Weight One Year after giving birth to twins: 172.3
End of 2008: 178.1
Today: 166.2

What has all of this taught me? I am actually at the steps of VIRGIN territory. I am actually AT my pre-pregnancy weight with the twins. It's "only" taken me 22  months but who's counting. LOL! My weight has been all over the place. It doesn't help when you have two pregnancies in there. =) I also never realized how heavy I got with Connor. 213 lbs! No wonder I was finally fed up with myself. I actually remember the photo (I'm sure it's on here back in 2007) that spurred me to lose the weight. I didn't want my picture taken with my newborn son and that is NOT how I wanted him to remember me by.

So in hindsight, I've come a LONG way when you look at the numbers. I guess I should actually change my start weight to 213.6 since that was my highest ever recorded. Not going there again EVER! But I will get to my lowest and I WILL get lower. Wow, looking at all these numbers is mindblowing.  Hope I didn't confuse you but I will look back at this post and it will spur me on!! =D


South Beach Steve said...

It sure feels good to be back at previous lows, doesn't it. That is almost where I am at, and I am not going back!

BTW, glad you joined in on the challenge.

Mandie said...

I LOVE looking back, it really helps us with our focus and motivation. Look at're right, you're at the STEPS of virgin territory and I'm SO excited for you! Keep it up, and you'll be there in no time!